Nursing Assistant Program Information

劳动力课程是为那些希望获得CNA证书的学生设计的,以便作为护理助理工作. 课程全年按月上课,11月和12月合并上课.

2024 Workforce Class Schedule

  • Class #8 (July 8-25) 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Thursday — Harrison
  • 第九课(8月. 12 -27) 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday — Harrison
  • 第十班(9月11日. 16 - 10月. 1) 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday — Harrison
  • 第十一课(10月11日. 14-29) 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday — Harrison
  • 12班(11月11日. 4-19) 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday — Harrison

上课时间:周一至周五8:30-5:00,6月和7月周一至周四上课. 类的日期, 地点和时间可能会根据教师的可用性和学生人数而变化.

The Workforce class tuition is $775/student and the length of the class is three weeks. 由于课程简短,劳动力班不符合佩尔助学金的资助资格. It will, however, complete the requirement for the bg真人游戏注册 LPN program. 那些希望使用佩尔助学金的人应该通过870-391-3115联系北达科他州的顾问来安排预约,参加这个学期的大学课程.

Students interested in the Monthly Workforce Class have 四个 注册选项. 请仔细阅读以下选择,以确定哪条路径最适合您.

自付学生: This student is looking to take the course for personal enrichment, 在没有合同限制的情况下去工作,或者快速勾选bg真人游戏注册 LPN护理要求.


Steps for a self pay student:

  1. 完成 CNA application for admission
  2. Students should then gather the required documents for the class:

TB skin test (Read and signed by a nurse, available at most walk-in clinics with CNA acceptance letter.)

Government issued photo ID (ex: driver’s license, passport)

Proof of 2 MMR vaccinations (Found on childhood vaccination record typically)

Proof of Flu vaccine (Required October through March classes only)

When all documentation is collected, please scan and email them to


Facility Sponsored Student: This student has been hired by a healthcare entity such as a hospital or nursing home. 该机构签订合同,为学生支付学费,以换取学生在该机构工作一定时间的承诺. 这个选择对许多想要开始一份新职业的学生来说是有吸引力的,因为他们想要最少的自掏腰包,并且在完成后有工作的保证. 学生有责任与赞助商联系并安排与他们的约会. Each sponsor decides whether sponsorship is available based upon facility needs.


Steps for a facility sponsored student: 

  1. Interview with your facility of choice and be granted sponsorship.
  2. 完成 CNA application for admission with the help of your facility representative.
  3. With the help of your sponsoring facility, students should gather the required documents for the class:

TB skin test (often completed onsite at no charge by your sponsoring facility)

Government issued photo ID (ex: driver’s license, passport)

Proof of 2 MMR vaccinations (Found on childhood vaccination record typically)



  1. Once you gather this information, the facility will scan and email your documents to 代表你. Please check with your facility for any other requirements specific to that location.


Examples of facilities that sponsor students in our area are highlighted in blue below. 学生有责任寻找赞助者并安排与设施代表会面. 然后,代表将向bg真人游戏注册核实您是否已被选为赞助候选人.


助学金资助学生: 该学生必须符合支付学费的助学金的要求. Requirements may be based on income levels, workforce needs or a variety of other factors. Example of grants that provide tuition for the CNA program can be found in green below. 这一选择吸引了那些可能不想被合同束缚在一个特定的工作,但确实想获得他们的教育,并在完成课程后作为注册护理助理工作的学生. 学生需要在上课前与拨款协调员会面,并在申请CNA项目之前填写他们的项目申请. 每个资助机构根据学生的需要和个别资助机构的资源能力来决定是否提供资助.


Steps for a 助学金资助学生:

  1. 与您感兴趣的计划的奖助金协调人会面,并完成获得赞助的步骤.
  2. Once you have been awarded grant sponsorship, complete the CNA application for admission

TB skin test (Read and signed by a nurse, available at most walk-in clinics with CNA acceptance letter.)

Government issued photo ID (ex: driver’s license, passport)

Proof of 2 MMR vaccinations (Found on childhood vaccination record typically)

Proof of Flu vaccine (Required October through March classes only)

When all documentation is collected, please scan and email them to


Arkansas Workforce Challenge Scholarship Students:

劳动力挑战奖学金是在2017年立法会议上设立的,由彩票收入资助.  这条路吸引了学生谁有时间仔细计划他们的下一步医疗事业,因为学生必须申请前30天的班级注册.  该奖学金的目的是为医疗保健高需求领域的劳动力培训, 信息技术, 和行业. The bg真人游戏注册 CNA program is an approved program for this Scholarship. The following are the scholarship requirements:

  • 成为阿肯色州居民
  • Must be a high school graduate or received high school equivalency
  • Student cannot be a current recipient of the Academic Challenge Scholarship
  • Be accepted for admission into an approved program as defined by ADHE

If the student meets these requirements, these are the steps for a Arkansas Workforce Challenge Scholarship Student:

  1. 完成 CNA application for admission
  2. Check back on the website above every week to see if you have been awarded the scholarship. When awarded, email Angie Moix at 被安排在班级里.
  3. You will need to complete your Arkansas Workforce Challenge Scholarship application. 申请你的 这里的奖学金.
  4. Gather your required documentation for the class and email it to Angie Moix:

TB skin test (Read and signed by a nurse, available at most walk-in clinics with CNA acceptance letter.)

Government issued photo ID (ex: driver’s license, passport)

Proof of 2 MMR vaccinations (Found on childhood vaccination record typically)

Proof of Flu vaccine (Required October through March classes only)


所有 CNA Workforce students will need a pen, 笔记本, a pair of black scrubs and a watch with a second hand for classes. 所有 other materials will be provided. Attendance is required by the state and is mandatory. Students will have 30 days to make up any missed time. CNA curriculum is approved by the Office of Long-Term Care. 成功完成任何BG真人大游APPCNA课程的学生将满足参加州护理助理认证考试的要求. These exams have both a written and skills portion.

620 N. 主圣.
(870) 414-4041

(870) 741-5001

Newton County Nursing Home
(870) 446-2333

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity ACT (WIOA) *
P.O. 190箱
(located in plaza behind Colton's)

Arkansas Rehabilitation Services *
(mentally or physically disabled only)
715 W. 谢尔曼大街. Ste E
(870) 741-7153

(870) 391-3153

Brighton Ridge Therapy and Living Center
(479) 253-6213

Autumn Hill Therapy and Living Center
Berryville, ar72616
(870) 423-6966

Highland Court Rehabilitation and Resident Care
(870) 448-3577

(870) 741-3438

萨默塞特老年生活 at Mt. Vista
(870) 741-7667

Twin Lakes Therapy and Living
6152号高速公路. 202 E.
翻转,AR 72687
(870) 435-4603

1515先驱博士. (Pete的储藏室)
(870) 391-3197

Cassville Healthcare and Rehab
(417) 232-0811

Arkansas Workforce Challenge Scholarship


The 北航技术中心 (NTC) 以BG真人大游APP北校区为基础,为地区高中三年级和四年级学生提供在高中时获得大学学分的独特机会.  课程为学生提供几个技术领域的实践培训,包括注册护理助理.

The Center serves area high schools in Baxter, 布恩, 卡罗尔, 马里恩, 麦迪逊, 牛顿和瑟西县.

Services are provided at no cost to students. 书, 学杂费由国家教育委员会提供,由当地学区支付的培训费和阿肯色州职业教育局提供的资金资助.

NTC提供的课程将导致BG真人大游APP的专业认证或熟练证书. NTC classes are credited for the student at both the high school and college level. 学生可以用30个学时完成NTC课程,以获得更高的学位或证书.对该计划感兴趣并居住在NTC服务区域的学生应填写以下申请. 

North Central Career Center CNA
bg真人游戏注册很高兴为莱斯利及其周边地区的大三和大四学生提供认证护理助理课程, 阿肯色区域. Students will find both the lab and classroom interaction fun and exciting. 学生将学习医学术语以及培养技能,以导航和成功地成为一名健康专业人士,同时也学习阿肯色州注册护理助理认证所需的技能. 我们很高兴为学生提供从2021年秋季开始获得护理助理熟练证书的能力. 有兴趣的学生应该填写下面的申请,并看到他们的高中辅导员报名.

North Central Career Center Application

Certified Nursing Assistant Application

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